jeudi 27 août 2020


Elmedia Player is a video player for Mac that plays all formats usually available for video and audio files, including popular AVI, FLV, SWF, MP4, WMV, MOV, MP3, DAT, FLAC, M4V, MPG, DivX and MKV. You are getting an outstanding HD experience with Elmedia thanks to its unrivaled ability to unload the processor while delivering you high 5. En cliquant sur le bouton ï tïlïcharger ï, vous bïnïficiez de notre assistant d 5. Elmedia Player is a convenient multimedia player, which is a bit far as looks are concerned a little bit corresponds with iTunes, but many more can. This application is therefore a good replacement for iTunes or Quicktime and the quality is very very good. Elmedia Player is available only for Mac OS X and the program is free to download.TÉLÉCHARGER ELMEDIA PLAYER

Nom: elmedia player
Format:Fichier D’archive
Système d’exploitation:Windows XP/7/10. MacOS. Android. iOS.

Elmedia Player Pro - Free downloads and reviews - CNET blogspot

Works smoothly on the new MacOS Catalina. Over 2 million satisfied users Within 12 years of app development. Drop your files into the app window and Elmedia will organize them into a playlist. You can shuffle, repeat all tracks or just one of them and stop after current with simple Elmedia controls. You can also use the player as an AirPlay receiver by streaming media from iTunes, another Mac, or different AirPlay-friendly devices to Elmedia.

You can even make stills of the whole movie without stopping it.

A-B Loop Elmedia can make a loop of any video segment to repeat it as many times as you like. Deinterlace Improvements To make edge flicking, jaggedness, blurring and other video defects be gone in the past, just check the Deinterlace box in Elmedia Preferences.

Choose increase or decrease audio delay and wait until the sound goes in sync with the action.


Advanced Full-Screen Mode If you have several monitors connected to your Mac, you can select a monitor to display full-screen.

Elmedia also supports native macOS full-screen mode.

elmedia player pro

Fetching External Audio Files Elmedia Player can automatically load audio files from the folder with video if their names contain the name of the video, if they have the same name as the video or all files from the folder.

Surround Sound You can connect surround sound to your Mac and pass it through Elmedia.


Read more about supported video formats Your unique playlists Do you like only a couple of tracks from each artist Do you want to watch videos non-stop in your player Just create your very own playlists and enjoy your videos and music just the way you want You can also watch videos frame-by-frame, which allows you to grasp every detail easily. Favorite moments can be bookmarked for future reference.

Elmedia Player Pro () download macOS

If you need to receive streaming media on your Mac, Elmedia will do the perfect job too: stream from iTunes, a different Mac computer, or from a different AirPlay streaming device.

If you have great music on your phone and want to stream it to your Mac, since it has larger speakers, you can use Elmedia to receive and play it too Also, if you have another instance of Elmedia on a different Mac, you can stream content from one Mac to another with the player on it.

Throw any movie or animation at it — the video player will play it back on your Mac. Enhanced Playback Features The app features video tuner to adjust brightness, contrast, saturation and other related parameters.

This media player for Mac OS X also includes a graphic equalizer with 10 carefully chosen frequencies for you to shape your sound. Downloading and installing is very easy and fast and you can directly make use of the application.


The program itself looks simple and well designed. It has quick functions and you play a file easily, you can rewind and fast forward and it is possible to use a video frame-by-frame viewing. Advantage to Elmedia Player is that the application has a built-in browser, with which you will be on the internet plus.


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